Long Island Disability Income (DI) Insurance
By Insurance Suffolk Brokerage
Suppose you suffer an accident or major illness and are unable to work for an extended period of time. During this time, your income lost from not being able to work will impact your monthly bills, your long term retirement goals and possibly even your savings. Perhaps you have group Long Term Disability (LTD) coverage through your employer, which typically covers only 50%-66% of your salary. Can you survive on a reduced salary for an extended period of time? This is where an individual Disability Income insurance policy can help you.
“The Forgotten Risk”
While most people think about life insurance to protect their spouse or loved ones, most of the time, people never stop to think about protecting their income. The frightening thing about this is that today, we live in an age where savings accounts are depleted or non-existent in the first place. The fact is that at any given age, the odds of becoming disabled are actually much higher than the odds that you will die. Every year, 12% of the adult US population will suffer a long term disability. Approximately 15% of all workers will suffer a disability lasting more than 5 years before age 65. If you are age 35, the chances you will suffer a 3+ month disability before age 65 is 50%! Now if everyone had enough of a savings to sustain themselves in the event of disability, there wouldn’t be a need for disability coverage. But that’s the problem...we are not a country of savers.
Understanding Your Financial Needs
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Is there another drug for weight loss?
What about medications that are more powerful? That's a great question, but I'm not sure of an answer. The FDA has approved several drugs for weight loss that are very effective, but I don't know of any that are very useful for weight loss anyway. There are a number of drugs for preventing and treating high cholesterol, but for some people having more cholesterol and a smaller waistline is side effect that they are willing to accept. I know that some medications, such as statins, have been proven to dramatically reduce cholesterol and blood pressure without causing a single fat cell to explode. Unfortunately, it costs about $600 to run these drugs, since they must be administered intravenously for about a day.
Are there supplements that can help with weight loss?
There are a number of supplements available that claim to help with weight loss. For example, I take a powder that is said to improve digestion, reduce appetite, increase metabolism, hunger, and help with weight loss. I didn't even know about them until I read "The Low-Carb Revolution." The information is scattered and contradictory, so I don't know if they actually do anything or not. They're expensive, and may be too expensive |